Financial circumstances have more to do with attitudes, feelings and behaviors with MONEY than dollars, cents and budgets.

Start your journey of Financial Self-Discovery

Eight out of ten Americans are financially stressed and most having no place to learn how to cope with or to improve their circumstances. I will provide you with that place to learn!

What is Financial Social Work?

Financial Social Work is the study of behaviors and attitudes that drive how money is viewed and handled. The focus is changing the negative mindset to bring about financial behavioral changes.

Making Friends with Money

Many people view money as their enemy which then creates a negative and stressful relationship. Let’s work together to make money your “friend”, and learn to appreciate all your money can do for you!

Relationship with Money

Our relationship with money evolves and changes over the course of our lifetime. Understanding how our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes are connected to our financial habits will guide us down the road of financial stability!

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Schedule your 30-minute complimentary session today to learn more and begin your journey!